Ohio State Innovation Foundation Apps

Squirrel Recovery; Addiction 3.0
This is an app to help recovering addicts withtheir sobriety. Squirrel Recovery; Addiction App is personalized toeach person. It sets up a recovery circle with sober support peoplethat you choose. You can set personal check in times for the app tocheck in when using was most likely to occur. This information withbe sent in a text message to people you have chosen to be yourrecovery circle. A Panic button by passes all check ins so thathelp can be given immediately. Squirrel Recovery; Addiction Appalso keeps track of sober days, gives "coins" when milestones areachieved and offers motivational quotes for encouragement.
This app works with color-changing badges to measureformaldehyde.We spend 90% of our time indoors and the air in mostof our homescontains formaldehyde. Formaldehyde exposure can worsenhealth.This app and badge system allows users to measure theirindoorformaldehyde exposure. The app provides information onrecommendedformaldehyde levels and tips on reducing exposure iftheconcentration is high. Users will also be given the optiontoupload their results and complete a survey to create anationaldatabase of formaldehyde levels. The survey will ask abouthousingcharacteristics and also include the option to reporthealthsymptoms. This database will help researchers andcommunityscientists better understand formaldehyde in housing.Creation ofthis app was funded by National Science Foundation (NSF)grant1645048. This app was created by the authors and has notbeenreviewed by NSF.
BuckeyeVR 3D Plot Viewer 1.3
Visualize functions, vector fields, and parametric surfacesinvirtual reality like never before! Place your phone in aGoogleCardboard viewer or simply rotate your phone to control theview.Try a variety of STEM visualizations and scan special QR codestoload new visualizations created for your class. Designedformathematics, physics, and other STEM fields. Make your own plotsathttps://buckeyevr.osu.edu/plot/ and scan the QR code to see itonyour phone in VR!